Wednesday, March 10, 2010

About time

This week I have seen my aunt in pain, the funeral of a good man, and overall blahness. However, there are a couple of bright spots. Today on the way to work I noticed the jonquils were out. There is one spot on the highway to work that has a square patch of jonquils that comes up every year. It's located right between the highway and an on ramp. Did someone used to live there? Did someone plant them? I'm curious. However they got there, I'm glad, because they make me smile. And this week that's been a great comfort.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Well, I haven't written in forever. There's been a lot of stress lately so the small things have been harder to find. However, there have been bright points. I adopted a new puppy named Huck. He's adorable and constantly makes me laugh, like when he's sitting on top of the plants in my big pot on the patio. Or he and Massy playing tug of war. And I have some great travel in my future, which is one of my most favorite things. We're having a snow day today which is also very nice. So in short, I will try to do better in the future and write more often. I eally enoy the process and will need to keep up with it in the months ahead.
