Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rain, anthropology, and dogs

It's been raining all day here. I love the rain. It's been a little excessive lately, but I still love it.
I've been nominated for a fellowship. I don't think I'll get it, but it's still so cool that my old professor nominated me. I love anthropology...most people don't really understand what it is, but that's okay. I love that I get to use it everday and no one even realizes I'm doing it. I love that we are a weird group of folks, and I love chatting with fellow anthropologists that love it as much as I do.
I'm thinking about getting a new puppy. I don't want to be the crazy animal lady, but I think Salem needs a buddy.
Off to look at animal rescue sites :)


Monday, October 5, 2009

D&D Delight

I was never a D&D nerd. (sorry if I just offended any hard core D&D fans out there). Never played it or Magic or any of the other magic/acting games. I've never owned a medieval princess dress, dated an ogre (actually that one is debatable), or jousted anyone. However, apparently this sort of activity makes a lot of people happy. There is a group that gets together every Sunday at a small local park in my city. There's usually about 30 people, dressed in full gear, bashing the heck out of each other with fake swords. I think it's hilarious. I'm happy they're enjoying themselves and they give me a good chuckle every time I drive past them.
I was looking for a pic to post to go with this post and ran across pics of the cartoon series from the 80s. I had forgotten all about it, my dad and I used to watch it every Saturday. I guess maybe I am a D&D nerd.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Blog Surprise

Well I had intended this post to be about the incredible weather and my love of college football, however, while viewing old posts I noticed that I had comments. Did you read that? I had comments! Someone other than me has read my blog. Yay!!! That totally made my day.

Add that on top of a trip to Target (only mildly enjoyable, Saturday at Target, enough said), goregous fall weather, babysitting my cousin and college simply doesn't get better than that!