Thursday, September 3, 2009

Best Mom Ever

Your author has been under the weather this week. She, however, drug herself to work for a day of meetings and coordinating very important things. By lunch, I was hungy and just didn't have enough energy to go get lunch. It was a very sad situation. I called my wonderful mother who was dining with my father and brother. She agreed to bring me some lunch after a minimal amount of begging. This alone made my day, but the very best part was the six random corn chips that she put in the container with my chicken strips. It was so sweet and unexpected and it made me laugh.


  1. That was very sweet of your mom! I'm enjoying your blog and like your idea for it. I hope you're feeling better and enjoying the long weekend.
    -Mary Kate

  2. Awwww. That is sweet. Those simple things when you are feeling bad sure can help!
    I too am enjoying your blog, helping me to also focus on the small and simple things that make me feel good.
    Hope you ARE feeling much better to enjoy your weekend with your friends.
